This event was held on 02/16/08 at Huis Ten Bosch.
Doll releases – Clothing releases
Last event (Dolpa 18) – Next event (Kyoto Sky Channel Promo)
Last owners appreciation event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next owners appreciation event (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Last hotel event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next hotel event (Appreciation Fair in Tokyo Theme Park Hotel 2009)
Last clothing release (June 2007 Clothing Release) – Next clothing release (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Doll releases:
Limited – Masha Original

Album | SD-F-60-Coco (SD) |
Categories | SD G, SD-F-60 |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | SDM G, SDM-F-45, std makeup Girly |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | SDM G, SDM-F-45, std makeup Girly |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | SDM G, SDM-F-45, std makeup Girly |

Album | SD-F-45-Vanessa |
Categories | SD G, SD-F-45 |

Album | SD-F-45-Vanessa |
Categories | SD G, SD-F-45 |

Album | SD-F-63 |
Categories | SD G, SD-F-63, std makeup Boyish |

Album | SD-F-60-Coco (SD) |
Categories | PS Fair, SD-F-60, SD13 G |

Album | SD-F-63 |
Categories | SD G, SD-F-63, std makeup Animetic |

Album | SD-F-63 |
Categories | SD-F-63, SDGr B, std makeup Boyish |

Album | SD-F-63 |
Categories | SD-F-63, SDGr B, std makeup Boyish |

Album | SD-F-61-Chiyo (SD) |
Categories | SD-F-61, SD16 G |

Album | SD-F-69 |
Categories | PS Fair, SD-F-69, SD13 G, std makeup Animetic |

Album | SDM-F-69-Momo |
Categories | Momo, SDM G |

Album | SDM-F-43-Dai-Mako |
Categories | Mako SDM, SDM G |

#addpic #clothing 2 WAY Shoulder Bag (Black Leather Blue Scarf) #clothing Basic Skirt Style #clothing Center Press Pants #clothing Cool Tight Skirt Coord #clothing Jacket & Harness Set #clothing Riders (White) M #clothing SD B Y Shirt (Black) #clothing SDGr B Y Shirt (Black) #clothing Stripe Shirt & Necklace #y2023
Album | SD-F-63 |
Categories | SD G, SD-F-63, SDGr B, std makeup Dark, std makeup Ennui |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS White, SDM G, SDM-F-33, SDM-F-60 |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS Fair, SDM G, SDM-F-45 |

Album | SDM-F-20 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS Fair, SDM G, SDM-F-20 |

Album | SD-F-82-Nico |
Categories | Nico, SD G |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS Fair, SDM B, SDM G, SDM-F-46, SDM-F-56 |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | SDM G, SDM-F-45, std makeup Animetic |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | SDM G, SDM-F-45, std makeup Ennui |

Album | SDM-F-42 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS Fair, SDM G, SDM-F-42 |

Album | SDM-F-56 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS Fair, SDM G, SDM-F-56 |

Album | SDM-F-45 |
Categories | SDM G, SDM-F-45, std makeup Boyish |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado 11th Anniversary Fair, PS Fair, SDM G, SDM-F-42, SDM-F-45 |

Album | SDM-F-70 - Noa |
Categories | Noa, SDM G |
Clothing releases:
Black Label – Zwart (11550 tax incl) and Duisternis (11550 tax incl)

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line #hand SD13B-H-01 #leg SDGrB-L-02 #wig color mix #wig size DD #eye color cadet blue with white line #eye size 16mm

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye color vermillion #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #jtdn ch8 #hand YoSD-H-01 #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye color gray #eye color smoke olive with black line #arm SD16-A-02 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye size 18mm

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye color smoke olive with black line #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2012 #hand YoSD-H-01 #leg YoSD-L-02 #wig original #wig color original #wig size SDC #eye hg glass #eye color gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #eye color smoke olive with black line
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Botenmaru Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Limited, Megohime Original, PS Fair, Sendai Dolpa 1, YoSD B, YoSD G |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #option rh gun #leg YoSD-L-02 #other yomidi neck parts #other satan transformation parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #wig color 613 ivory #eye hg glass #eye color Green Gray #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Asuka Ryou/Satan, Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |

#y2013 #character Devilman #hand yomidi-h-01 #other yomidi neck parts #wig original #wig synthetic mohair #eye hg glass #eye size 14mm #clothes volks fullset #option fist hand #leg YoSD-L-01 #other devilman transformation parts #wig color 1 black #eye color gray
Album | Fudou Akira/Devilman |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 30, Fudou Akira/Devilman, Limited, PS Fair, YoMidi, YoSD B |
Pink Label – Fringed Orange (10500 tax incl) and Annelinde (12600 tax incl)