This event was held on 02/16/08 at Huis Ten Bosch.
Doll releases – Clothing releases
Last event (Dolpa 18) – Next event (Kyoto Sky Channel Promo)
Last owners appreciation event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next owners appreciation event (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Last hotel event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next hotel event (Appreciation Fair in Tokyo Theme Park Hotel 2009)
Last clothing release (June 2007 Clothing Release) – Next clothing release (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Doll releases:
Limited – Masha Original

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi #hand rh sdgr-h-02 #hand lh sdgr-h-04 #wig W-127 Mermaid Wave #wig w-530 #wig color natural gold #eye color #18 light orange #design Ciera
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G, Shinsetsu Tayuu Suigintou |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi #hand rh sdgr-h-02 #hand lh sdgr-h-04 #wig W-127 Mermaid Wave #wig w-530 #wig color natural gold #eye color #18 light orange #design Ciera
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G, Shinsetsu Tayuu Suigintou |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2012 #hand rh SD13B-H-07 #hand lh SD13B-H-09 #wig W-487 #wig size DD #wig color 30 brown #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #14 white ash gray #eye size 18mm #clothes volks fullset #design Tsukimi
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |

#y2012 #hand rh SD13B-H-07 #hand lh SD13B-H-09 #wig W-487 #wig size DD #wig color 30 brown #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #14 white ash gray #eye size 18mm #clothes volks fullset #design Tsukimi
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |

#y2012 #hand rh SD13B-H-07 #hand lh SD13B-H-09 #wig W-487 #wig size DD #wig color 30 brown #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #14 white ash gray #eye size 18mm #clothes volks fullset #design Tsukimi
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |

#y2013 #hand SDC-H-03 #wig color 16T cream #wig size SDC #wig Shizuku original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #27 ash purple #eye size 16mm #clothes design BTSSB #design Tsukimi #hand rh SDGrG-H-03 #hand lh SDGrG-H-02 #wig w-517-2 #wig color smoky beige #design Ciera
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Charity Auction, Nagoya Dolpa 5, PS Fair, Renee, SDC G, SDGr G, Shinku |

#y2016 #hand rh SD16-H-04 #hand lh SD16-H-02 #wig lieselotte best of the best original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #6 golden brown B #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design ROSARIUM #design momo #hand rh SD16-H-01 #hand lh SD16-H-04 #wig synthetic mohair #eye color #2 blue-purple #eye size 18mm #design Tsukimi

#y2016 #hand rh SD16-H-04 #hand lh SD16-H-02 #wig lieselotte best of the best original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #6 golden brown B #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design ROSARIUM #design momo #hand rh SD16-H-01 #hand lh SD16-H-04 #wig synthetic mohair #eye color #2 blue-purple #eye size 18mm #design Tsukimi

#y2016 #hand rh SD16-H-04 #hand lh SD16-H-02 #wig lieselotte best of the best original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #6 golden brown B #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design ROSARIUM #design momo #hand rh SD16-H-01 #hand lh SD16-H-04 #wig synthetic mohair #eye color #2 blue-purple #eye size 18mm #design Tsukimi

#y2016 #hand rh SD16-H-04 #hand lh SD16-H-02 #wig lieselotte best of the best original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #6 golden brown B #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design ROSARIUM #design momo #hand rh SD16-H-01 #hand lh SD16-H-04 #wig synthetic mohair #eye color #2 blue-purple #eye size 18mm #design Tsukimi

#y2016 #hand rh SD16-H-04 #hand lh SD16-H-02 #wig lieselotte best of the best original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #6 golden brown B #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design ROSARIUM #design momo #hand rh SD16-H-01 #hand lh SD16-H-04 #wig synthetic mohair #eye color #2 blue-purple #eye size 18mm #design Tsukimi

#y2014 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig w-123 Half-up Long Wave #wig color light gold #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #13 dark ash #eye size 18mm #clothes design Tsukika #design Ciera #hand rh sd16-h-02 #hand lh SD16-H-03 #wig W-144 #wig color B579 #eye hg glass #eye color light violet #design Tsukimi
Album | Alice-Jo-Lorina |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 31, Lady Marinette, Ms. Viola, PS Fair, PS White, SD16 G, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi #hand rh sdgr-h-02 #hand lh sdgr-h-04 #wig W-127 Mermaid Wave #wig w-530 #wig color natural gold #eye color #18 light orange #design Ciera
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G, Shinsetsu Tayuu Suigintou |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi #hand rh sdgr-h-02 #hand lh sdgr-h-04 #wig W-127 Mermaid Wave #wig w-530 #wig color natural gold #eye color #18 light orange #design Ciera
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G, Shinsetsu Tayuu Suigintou |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#y2015 #hand rh sdgr-h-04 #hand lh SDGr-H-01 #wig W-464 #wig color 2 natural #wig size DD #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #7 red #eye size 18/9mm #clothes design asoyim #clothes design Kimono Collection #design Tsukimi
Album | Suigintou |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 11, Otose Suigintou, PS Fair, SDGr G |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#clothes design HSB #clothes design Puff & Cool #design Tsukimi #eye color GE-23 Indigo-tinged Gray #eye size 18/9mm #eye zoukei-mura glass #hand SD17B-H-01 #SD17B-H-02 #wig Military Physician Kiriko #wig size DD #wig synthetic mohair #y2017
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Kyoto Dolpa 14, PS Shadow, Reisner (SD), SD17 B, The Pirates Historian |

#y2011 #design Rumina #clothes design PERSONA #design K. Mayura #clothes design a poco a poco #design Valico #clothes design Zizel #design Tsukimi #clothes design Roco*Berry #clothes design Alice World #design Kinoko #clothes design Yukiusagi
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Bianca, Cyndy (SD), Michele, MSD G, Nana Sweet Dream (SD), One-off, PS Fair, SD B, SD G, SD13 G, Sumika Monthly 06/11 Seoul, Tohya, Toppi |

#y2012 #clothes design SerapHStigmA #clothes design PERSONA #clothes design narunaru #clothes design Basic Line #clothes design Sagazakiya #clothes design Cotton Boy #design Kinoko #design Tsukimi #design aone #design Saifa #design K. Mayura
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Lucas Sweet Dream, Madoka, Masha, Okita 2008, PS Fair, PS White, Rose, SD G, SD-F-12, SD13 B, SD13 G, Sumika Monthly 03/12 Seoul |

#y2012 #clothes design Heeny #clothes design Blue Daisy #clothes design Pure Drop #clothes design Chuuko's Original Dress #design K. Mayura #design aone #design Tsukimi #design Rumina #design Kinoko
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Masha, Momoko, One-off, PS Fair, PS White, SD B, SD G, SD13 B, SD13 G, Sumika Monthly 06/12 Seoul, Tae, Tohya, Tsukasa Konoe, Williams (SD13) |

#y2012 #leg Suwarikko #clothes design Alice World #clothes design J.Girl with BAMBi #clothes design Chuuko's Original Dress #clothes design Yukiusagi #clothes design Kimono Collection #clothes design Tsukika #design Ciera #design Tsukimi #design Kinoko #design K. Mayura #design aone
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Aya, Jun Tachibana (SD), Okita 2008, One-off, PS Fair, Rose, SD G, SD13 B, SD13 G, Sumika Monthly 11/12 Seoul, Sylvie, Williams (SD13) |

#y2013 #leg SD13B-L-02 #clothes design Heeny #design Ciera #design K. Mayura #design Rumina #design Tsukimi #clothes design Blue Daisy #clothes design pAge #clothes design nairu
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Luna (SD), Masha, Okita 2008, One-off, PS Fair, PS White, SD G, SD13 B, SD13 G, Shiro Tachibana (SD), Sumika Monthly 08/13 Seoul |

#y2014 #leg Suwarikko #leg SD13B-L-02 #design Tsukimi #design Kinoko #design Rumina #design K. Mayura #clothes design PERSONA #clothes design Basic Line #clothes design Heeny
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Ken SD, Okita 2008, PS Fair, Ria, SD B, SD G, SD13 B, Sumika Monthly 08/14 Seoul, Sylvie, Tsukasa Konoe |

#y2014 #design aone #clothes design Cotton Boy #design Rumina #design Ciera #design Tsukimi #design momo #design Luluco #clothes design pAge #clothes design J.Girl with BAMBi #clothes design Rose Rose #clothes design Klesis #clothes design Heeny #design Kinoko #design K. Mayura #clothes design Basic Line

Clothing releases:
Black Label – Zwart (11550 tax incl) and Duisternis (11550 tax incl)

#y2012 #torso Origin #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig original #wig color M100/light gold mix #wig size SDC #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color cobalt with white line #eye size 16mm #clothes volks
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Kyoto Dolpa 9 Eve, Limited, PS White, Una Original, YoSD Tenshi |

#y2012 #torso Origin #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig original #wig color M100/light gold mix #wig size SDC #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color cobalt with white line #eye size 16mm #clothes volks
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Kyoto Dolpa 9 Eve, Limited, PS White, Una Original, YoSD Tenshi |

#y2012 #torso Origin #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig original #wig color M100/light gold mix #wig size SDC #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color cobalt with white line #eye size 16mm #clothes volks
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Kyoto Dolpa 9 Eve, Limited, PS White, Una Original, YoSD Tenshi |

#y2012 #torso Origin #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig original #wig color M100/light gold mix #wig size SDC #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color cobalt with white line #eye size 16mm #clothes volks
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Kyoto Dolpa 9 Eve, Limited, PS White, Una Original, YoSD Tenshi |

#y2012 #torso Origin #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig original #wig color M100/light gold mix #wig size SDC #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color cobalt with white line #eye size 16mm #clothes volks
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Kyoto Dolpa 9 Eve, Limited, PS White, Una Original, YoSD Tenshi |

#y2012 #torso Origin #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig original #wig color M100/light gold mix #wig size SDC #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color cobalt with white line #eye size 16mm #clothes volks
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Kyoto Dolpa 9 Eve, Limited, PS White, Una Original, YoSD Tenshi |

#y2011 #other white YoTenshi wings #wig kira original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #3 Golden Brown A #eye size 16mm #clothes design La petite Madeleine #design Ciera #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig una original #eye color #12 Brown-gray B #design Tsukimi
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 25, Kira (Yo), PS Fair, PS White, Una (Yo), YoSD Tenshi |

#y2011 #other white YoTenshi wings #wig kira original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #3 Golden Brown A #eye size 16mm #clothes design La petite Madeleine #design Ciera #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig una original #eye color #12 Brown-gray B #design Tsukimi
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 25, Kira (Yo), PS Fair, PS White, Una (Yo), YoSD Tenshi |

#y2011 #other white YoTenshi wings #wig kira original #eye zoukei-mura glass #eye color #3 Golden Brown A #eye size 16mm #clothes design La petite Madeleine #design Ciera #other pink YoTenshi wings #wig una original #eye color #12 Brown-gray B #design Tsukimi
Album | Kira-Megu-Nana-Sara-Una (Yo) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 25, Kira (Yo), PS Fair, PS White, Una (Yo), YoSD Tenshi |
Pink Label – Fringed Orange (10500 tax incl) and Annelinde (12600 tax incl)