This event was held on 02/16/08 at Huis Ten Bosch.
Doll releases – Clothing releases
Last event (Dolpa 18) – Next event (Kyoto Sky Channel Promo)
Last owners appreciation event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next owners appreciation event (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Last hotel event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next hotel event (Appreciation Fair in Tokyo Theme Park Hotel 2009)
Last clothing release (June 2007 Clothing Release) – Next clothing release (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Doll releases:
Limited – Masha Original

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 14, Dolpa 17, Dolpa 18, Hinaichigo Original, Limited, PS Fair, SD G, SD13 G, Shinku Original, Souseiseki Original, Suigintou Original, Suiseiseki Original, YoSD G |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Alain Original, Dolpa 18, Journey to Dream Nights, Limited, PS Fair, Renee Original, SD17 B, SDC G |

[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D200
2007/03/02 14:02:28
圧縮 RAW (12-bit)
画像サイズ: Large (3872 x 2592)
レンズ: VR 18-200mm F/3.5-5.6 G
焦点距離: 170mm
露出モード: マニュアル
測光モード: マルチパターン測光
1/125 秒 - F/11
露出補正: 0 EV
感度: ISO 100
仕上がり設定: カスタマイズ
ホワイトバランス: 色温度 (5000 K)
AFモード: AF-S
カラー設定: モード㈼ (Adobe RGB)
階調補正: コントラスト弱め
色合い調整: 0°
彩度設定: 標準
輪郭強調: やや強
長秒時ノイズ低減: しない
高感度ノイズ低減: しない
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | Dolpa 17, Limited, Oath of the Silver Coin, PS Fair, SD17 B, Shadow of Captain Reisner Original |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Characters, Dolpa 14, Dolpa 16, Dolpa 17, Dolpa 18, Hinaichigo Original, Journey to Dream Nights, Kurt Original, Limited, PS Fair, SD G, SDC B, Shinku Original, Souseiseki Original, YoSD G |
Clothing releases:
Black Label – Zwart (11550 tax incl) and Duisternis (11550 tax incl)

Album | SDM-F-30 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 03/15 CM, SDM G, SDM-F-30 |

Album | SDM-F-33 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 03/15 CM, SDM B, SDM-F-33 |

Album | SDM-F-19-Yuuto |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado Monthly 05/12, MSD G, PS Fair, SDM-F-19 |

Album | Toshizou Hijikata |
Categories | Dolpa 27, One-off, PS Fair, SD17 B, Toshizou Hijikata |

Album | Toshizou Hijikata |
Categories | Dolpa 27, One-off, PS Fair, SD17 B, Toshizou Hijikata |

Album | Cyndy (SD) |
Categories | Cyndy (SD), Dolpa 27, One-off, PS Fair, SD13 G |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Journey to Dream Nights, Kobe Dolpa, Limited, Little Lorina Original, Lorina Original, PS Fair, SDGr G, YoSD G |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | A Pretty Egg Ayumu, Crowned White King Piccolo, Journey to Dream Nights, Kobe Dolpa, Limited, PS Fair, YoSD B |

Album | Date Masamune |
Categories | Date Masamune Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Kobe Dolpa, Limited, PS Fair, SDGr B |

Album | Date Masamune |
Categories | Date Masamune Original, Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Kobe Dolpa, Limited, PS Fair, SDGr B |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Dolpa 35, Journey to Dream Nights, Mytyl Original, PS Fair, SDGr B, SDGr G, Tyltyl Original |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Echoes of a Beautiful Banquet, Kondou Isami Original, Kyoto Dolpa 10, Limited, PS Fair, Saitou Hajime Original, SDGou, SDGr B |

Album | SDM-F-17 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado Monthly 08/14 CM, PS Fair, SDM G, SDM-F-17 |

Album | SDM-F-19-Yuuto |
Categories | Coordinate Model, Mado Monthly 08/14 CM, SDM B, SDM-F-19 |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Chiyo SDM 10th Anniversary, Coco SDM 10th Anniversary, Dolpa 51, Limited, PS White, Saki SDM 10th Anniversary, SDM G |

Album | Jun Tachibana (SD) |
Categories | Dolpa 12, Dolpa PAL Yokohama, Jun Tachibana Original, Limited, PS Fair, SD13 G, Tokyo Boys Story |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Chiyo SDM 10th Anniversary, Coco SDM 10th Anniversary, Dolpa 51, Limited, PS White, Saki SDM 10th Anniversary, SDM G |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Dolpa 35, Dolpa 41, Journey to Dream Nights, L'oiseau Bleu, Le Petite Frere, PS Fair, PS White, SD B, SDGr B, Tyltyl Original, YoSD B |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Anais 2nd, Dolpa 11, Isao Nanjou Original, Limited, MSD G, PS Fair, SD G, SD13 B, Suwarikko Yuni, Tokyo Boys Story |

Album | SDM-F-42 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, PS Fair, PS White, Sato Golden Party 2016 Fall, SDM G, SDM-F-42 |

Album | Yuri |
Categories | Coordinate Model, SDM G, Tenshi no Sato 12th Anniversary Fair, Yuri |

Album | Tsukasa Konoe (Yo) |
Categories | Dolpa 33, Limited, PS Fair, Tokyo Boys Story, Tsukasa Konoe (Yo) Original, YoSD B |

Album | SDM-F-42 |
Categories | Coordinate Model, PS Fair, PS White, Sato Golden Party 2016 Fall, SDM G, SDM-F-42 |

Album | Alice-Jo-Lorina |
Categories | Charity Auction, Koihana Romantic Alice, Kyoto Dolpa 13, PS White, SDGr G |

Album | Shiro Tachibana (SD17) |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 33, Ouji Dolpa Gakuen Engeki-bu Ver Shiro, PS Shadow, SD17 B |

Album | Alice-Jo-Lorina |
Categories | Charity Auction, Koihana Romantic Alice, Kyoto Dolpa 13, PS White, SDGr G |

Album | Shiro Tachibana (Yo) |
Categories | Dolpa 33, Limited, PS Fair, Shiro Tachibana (Yo) Original, Tokyo Boys Story, YoSD B |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Dolpa 33, Limited, PS Fair, Shiro Tachibana (Yo) Original, Tokyo Boys Story, Tsukasa Konoe (Yo) Original, YoSD B |

Album | Charlotte |
Categories | Dolpa 32, Harajuku Memories, Limited, PS Fair, SD G, The Best of the BESTs 15th Anniversary Charlotte |

Album | Multiple |
Categories | Dolpa 33, Limited, PS Fair, Shiro Tachibana (Yo) Original, Tokyo Boys Story, Tsukasa Konoe (Yo) Original, YoSD B |

Album | Alice-Jo-Lorina |
Categories | Charity Auction, Koihana Romantic Alice, Kyoto Dolpa 13, PS White, SDGr G |

Pink Label – Fringed Orange (10500 tax incl) and Annelinde (12600 tax incl)