This event was held on 02/16/08 at Huis Ten Bosch.
Doll releases – Clothing releases
Last event (Dolpa 18) – Next event (Kyoto Sky Channel Promo)
Last owners appreciation event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next owners appreciation event (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Last hotel event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next hotel event (Appreciation Fair in Tokyo Theme Park Hotel 2009)
Last clothing release (June 2007 Clothing Release) – Next clothing release (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Doll releases:
Limited – Masha Original
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | April 2009 Clothing Release, label Blue, label Chibi Dress, size MSD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDC B, size YoSD B, size YoSD G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 51, label None, SD-F-78, SD16 G, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD Gou, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 51, label None, SD-F-73, SD13 G, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD Gou, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 51, label None, SDM-F-58, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD Gou, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 51, label None, SDM-F-58, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD Gou, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-93, SD17 B, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 51, label Blue, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SD16 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Blue, Mai, PS White, SD G, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 G, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Blue, Mai, PS White, SD G, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 G, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 51, label Blue, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SD16 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-105, SDGr B, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-105, SDGr B, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Blue, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G, size YoSD B, size YoSD G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Blue, Lulu, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G, size YoSD B, size YoSD G, YoSD G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Blue, Lulu, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G, size YoSD B, size YoSD G, YoSD G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS Fair, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS Fair, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS Fair, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS Fair, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS White, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS Fair, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | February 2023 Clothing Release, label Designers, Mai, PS Fair, SD G, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - Multi |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Designers, Mel (Yo), PS Fair, SD G, SD-F-98, SDM G, SDM-F-54, size DSD, size MSD B, size MSD G, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDC B, size SDC G, size SDGr G, size SDM B, size SDM G, size YoSD B, size YoSD G, YoSD G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Designers, size DSD, size SD G, size SD13 G, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-93, SD17 B, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-105, SDGr B, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-105, SDGr B, size DSD, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-93, SD17 B, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-93, SD17 B, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Album | Clothes - SD |
Categories | Dolpa 49, label Black, PS White, SD-F-93, SD17 B, size SD B, size SD G, size SD13 B, size SD13 G, size SD16 B, size SD16 G, size SD17 B, size SDGou, size SDGr B, size SDGr G |
Clothing releases:
Black Label – Zwart (11550 tax incl) and Duisternis (11550 tax incl)
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, One-off, Sato Monthly 02/16, SDGr B |
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, One-off, Sato Monthly 02/16, SDGr B |
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, One-off, SDGr B, Sumika Monthly 05/15 |
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, Mado Monthly 01/15, One-off, SD17 B |
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, Mado Monthly 01/15, One-off, SD17 B |
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, One-off, PS Fair, SD13 B, Sumika Monthly 07/14 |
Album | Amakusa Shirou Tokisada |
Categories | Amakusa, One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 08/12, SD13 B |
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D200
2007/06/19 18:17:10
圧縮 RAW (12-bit)
画像サイズ: Large (3872 x 2592)
レンズ: VR 18-200mm F/3.5-5.6 G
焦点距離: 82mm
露出モード: マニュアル
測光モード: マルチパターン測光
1/125 秒 - F/14
露出補正: 0 EV
感度: ISO 160
仕上がり設定: カスタマイズ
ホワイトバランス: 色温度 (5300 K)
AFモード: AF-S
カラー設定: モード㈼ (Adobe RGB)
階調補正: ノーマル
色合い調整: 0°
彩度設定: 標準
輪郭強調: やや強
長秒時ノイズ低減: しない
高感度ノイズ低減: しない
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
Pink Label – Fringed Orange (10500 tax incl) and Annelinde (12600 tax incl)
Album | SDM-F-70 - Noa |
Categories | Noa, One-off, SDM G, Sumika Monthly 06/24 |
Album | SD-F-73-Tiffany |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, One-off, SD G, SD-F-73 |
Album | SD-F-73-Tiffany |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, One-off, SD G, SD-F-73 |
Album | Cyndy (SD) |
Categories | Cyndy (SD), Mado Monthly 06/24, One-off, SD13 G |
Album | Cyndy (SD) |
Categories | Cyndy (SD), Mado Monthly 06/24, One-off, SD13 G |
Album | SD-F-81-Mai-Maya |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, Mai, One-off, SD G |
Album | SD-F-81-Mai-Maya |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, Mai, One-off, SD G |
Album | SD-F-15-Show |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, One-off, SD13 G, Show |
Album | SD-F-15-Show |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, One-off, SD13 G, Show |
Album | SD-F-83-Mel |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, Mel, One-off, SD G |
Album | SD-F-83-Mel |
Categories | Mado Monthly 06/24, Mel, One-off, SD G |
Album | Yu Morisawa |
Categories | One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SDGr G, Yu Morisawa |
Album | Ken-Mika (SD) |
Categories | Mika SD, One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD G |
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Mado Golden Window Fair 2024, One-off, SD G, Tae, Tae Sweet Dream |
Album | Cyndy (SD) |
Categories | Cyndy (SD), One-off, PS Fair, Sato Golden Party Spring 2024, SD13 G |
Album | SD-F-97-Lana |
Categories | One-off, PS White, SD B, SD-F-97, Sumika Monthly 05/24 |
Album | SD-F-98-Hana |
Categories | One-off, PS Fair, SD G, SD-F-98, Sumika Monthly 05/24 |
Album | SD-F-81-Mai-Maya |
Categories | Mai, One-off, SD G, Sumika Monthly 05/24 |
Album | Kurumi-Miruku |
Categories | Kurumi, One-off, SD G, Sumika Monthly 05/24 |
Album | SD-F-57 - Haru |
Categories | Haru, One-off, SDGr B, Sumika Monthly 05/24 |
Album | SD-F-83-Mel |
Categories | Mel, One-off, SD G, Sumika Monthly 05/24 |
Album | Kohya-Tohya |
Categories | Kohya, One-off, Sato Monthly 05/24, SDGr B |
Album | Kohya-Tohya |
Categories | Kohya, One-off, Sato Monthly 05/24, SDGr B |
Album | SD-F-86-Tiara |
Categories | One-off, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD-F-86, SDGr G |
Album | SD-F-86-Tiara |
Categories | One-off, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD-F-86, SDGr G |
Album | Yu Morisawa |
Categories | One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SDGr G, Yu Morisawa |
Album | Cecile (SD) |
Categories | Cecile (SD), One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD B |
Album | Cecile (SD) |
Categories | Cecile (SD), One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD B |
Album | SD-F-82-Nico |
Categories | Nico, One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD G |
Album | SD-F-82-Nico |
Categories | Nico, One-off, PS Fair, Sato Monthly 05/24, SD G |