This event was held on 02/16/08 at Huis Ten Bosch.
Doll releases – Clothing releases
Last event (Dolpa 18) – Next event (Kyoto Sky Channel Promo)
Last owners appreciation event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next owners appreciation event (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Last hotel event (SD Owners Appreciation Fair 2007) – Next hotel event (Appreciation Fair in Tokyo Theme Park Hotel 2009)
Last clothing release (June 2007 Clothing Release) – Next clothing release (Appreciation Fair in Korea 2008)
Doll releases:
Limited – Masha Original
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Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
![121216dlp28 05](
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
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Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
![121216dlp28 03](
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Charity Auction, Dolpa 28, PS Shadow, SD17 B, The Mad Hatter Reisner |
Album | Reisner the Scarface |
Categories | Limited, PS Fair, SD17 B, Shadow of Captain Reisner the Scarface, Tokyo Bay Cruise |
Clothing releases:
Black Label – Zwart (11550 tax incl) and Duisternis (11550 tax incl)
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | IDEX Premiere 2013, Limited, Oath of the Silver Coin, PS Fair, Reisner the Desire for Revenge, SD17 B |
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D2X
2010/09/23 16:26:11.24
圧縮RAW (12-bit)
画像サイズ: L (4288 x 2848)
レンズ: VR 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6G
焦点距離: 240mm
露出モード: マニュアル
測光モード: マルチパターン測光
シャッタースピード: 1/160秒
絞り値: F/7.1
露出補正: 0段
ISO感度設定: ISO 200
ホワイトバランス: プリセット d-0, 0
フォーカスモード: AF-C
AFエリアモード: ダイナミック
手ブレ補正: OFF
長秒時ノイズ低減: しない
高感度ノイズ低減: しない
カラー設定: モードⅡ (Adobe RGB)
色空間: Adobe RGB
階調補正: コントラスト弱め
色合い調整: -3°
彩度設定: 標準
輪郭強調: 標準
発光モード: 外付け, M
フラッシュモード: 後幕シンクロ
画像真正性検証機能: しない
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | IDEX Premiere 2013, Limited, Oath of the Silver Coin, PS Fair, Reisner the Desire for Revenge, SD17 B |
Album | Reisner (SD) |
Categories | IDEX Premiere 2013, Limited, Oath of the Silver Coin, PS Fair, Reisner the Desire for Revenge, SD17 B |
Album | Alice-Jo-Lorina |
Categories | Alice, IDEX Premiere 2013, One-off, PS White, SDGr G |
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Alice, IDEX Premiere 2013, Jun Tachibana (SD), Luna (SD), Okita 2010, One-off, PS White, SD G, SDGr G |
Pink Label – Fringed Orange (10500 tax incl) and Annelinde (12600 tax incl)