Pre-order releases: Cecile the Scarface – Cecile the Scarface Ocean of the Deep Black Ver
One-off releases: Dolpa 17 – Sumika 04/12 – Kyoto Dolpa 14 – LA Dolpa 3 – Mado 01/19
Related sculpts: Cecile (SDM) ~ Cecile (SD) ~ Cecile (SD13) ~ Cecile (SD17)
Name: Cecile the Scarface
Date: 01/01/19
Event: Tenshi no Mado monthly release
Release Type: One-off
Body Type: SDGr B
Name: Cecile the Scarface
Date: 09/01/17
Event: LA Dolpa 3
Release Type: One-off
Body Type: SDGr B
Resin: PS Sunlight
Clothes: Whisper of Angels
Design: aone
Name: Cecile the Scarface
Date: 03/12/17
Event: Kyoto Dolpa 14
Release Type: One-off
Body Type: SDGr B
Resin: PS Sunlight
Clothes: Prince de lis
Design: Ciera
Price: 128000
Name: Cecile the Scarface
Date: 04/15/12
Event: Tenshi no Sumika monthly release (Utsunomiya)
Release Type: One-off
Body Type: SD13 B
Resin: PS Normal
Clothes: cotton boy
Design: K. Mayura
Name: Cecile the Scarface
Date: 05/04/07
Event: Dolpa 17
Release Type: One-off
Body Type: SD13 B
Resin: PS Normal
Design: Valico
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Cecile the Scarface, Dolpa 17, One-off, PS Fair, Reisner (SD), SD13 B, SD17 B |
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D200
2007/04/23 12:06:30.1
圧縮 RAW (12-bit)
画像サイズ: Large (3872 x 2592)
レンズ: VR 18-200mm F/3.5-5.6 G
焦点距離: 112mm
露出モード: マニュアル
測光モード: マルチパターン測光
1/125 秒 - F/11
露出補正: 0 EV
感度: ISO 100
仕上がり設定: カスタマイズ
ホワイトバランス: 色温度 (5300 K)
AFモード: AF-S
カラー設定: モード㈼ (Adobe RGB)
階調補正: ノーマル
色合い調整: 0°
彩度設定: 標準
輪郭強調: やや強
長秒時ノイズ低減: しない
高感度ノイズ低減: しない
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
Album | Cecile the Scarface |
Categories | Cecile the Scarface, Dolpa 17, One-off, PS Fair, SD13 B |
Name: Cecile the Scarface Ocean of the Deep Black Ver
Date: 10/22/06
Event: Kobe Cruise 2006
Release Type: Pre-order / Limited
Storyline: Oath of the Silver Coin
Body Type: SD13 B
Resin: PS Sunlight
Parts: R arm original (scarred)
Wig: Original style, one-two fiber
Eyes: HG glass eyes, cadet blue with white line, 18mm
Clothes: Volks Fullset
Design: K. Mayura
Price: 126000 (tax included)
Includes: red bandanna, black frock coat, white shirt, black sash belt, black velvet pants, black eyepatch, black boots, skull necklace
Comments: Came with only one eye. Could also purchase Captain Cecile Blind Eye (Zoukei-mura, single) for 5000 and cutlass set (sword & limited hands) for 7800. Later, Volks offered to open the closed scarred eye for purchasers; the eye was only opened a few mm. Re-released at Tenshi no Mado Window Festa 2013 on 10/11/13; it is unknown as to whether these were “opened” sculpts or not.
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D2X
2010/02/26 13:09:20.74
圧縮RAW (12-bit)
画像サイズ: L (4288 x 2848)
レンズ: VR 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6G
焦点距離: 230mm
露出モード: マニュアル
測光モード: 中央部重点測光
シャッタースピード: 1/160秒
絞り値: F/14
露出補正: -0.7段
ISO感度設定: ISO 125
ホワイトバランス: プリセット d-0, 0
フォーカスモード: AF-C
AFエリアモード: ダイナミック
手ブレ補正: OFF
長秒時ノイズ低減: しない
高感度ノイズ低減: しない
カラー設定: モードⅡ (Adobe RGB)
色空間: Adobe RGB
階調補正: コントラスト弱め
色合い調整: -3°
彩度設定: 標準
輪郭強調: 標準
発光モード: 外付け, M
フラッシュモード: 後幕シンクロ
画像真正性検証機能: しない
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D1X
2005/10/25 08:59:46.4
RAW (12-bit)
æTCYF Large (3008 x 1960)
YF 18-70mm F/3.5-4.5 G
Å?£F 70mm
Io?hF ?j
ªõ?hF ??p??ªõ
1/200 b - F/10
Ioâ³F -0.3 EV
´xF ISO 200
zCgoXF vZbg 1
VN?hF ȵ
J?ÝèF ?hU (Adobe RGB)
K²â³F m??
F¢²®F 0
Ös²F W?
[#End of Shooting Data Section]
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | SDM-F-06-Lilith-Noel-Phyllis |
Categories | MSD B, Noel Original, PS Fair, SD Bible Promo, Seoul Sumika Best Selection Lottery |
Album | Multiple |
Categories | Dolpa 23, Harajuku Memories, Hewitt 3rd, Limited, MSD B, MSD G, Osaka Dolpa 5, PS Fair, Yui Sweet Dream Original |
Name: Cecile the Scarface
Date: 09/25/05
Event: Tokyo Bay Cruise 2005
Release Type: Pre-order
Storyline: Oath of the Silver Coin
Body Type: SD13 B
Resin: PS Normal
Parts: R arm original (scarred)
Wig: Original style, one-two fiber
Eyes: HG glass eyes, cadet blue with white line, 18mm
Clothes: Eiri
Design: K. Mayura
Price: 126000 (tax included)
Includes: red bandanna, skull necklace, white shirt, black sash belt, black velvet pants, black eyepatch, black boots
Comments: Came with only one eye. Could also purchase Captain Cecile Blind Eye (Zoukei-mura, single) for 5000 and Captain Coat and Hat Set for 8800. Later, Volks offered to open the closed scarred eye for purchasers; the eye was only opened a few mm.